Shea Butter: The Ideal Skincare Ingredient for Moisture
I always have and always will be a Shea Butter Baby. Shea butter is a proven moisturizer for skin...
The Right Way to Use Facial Oil
Facial oils can have a variety of benefits for all skin types when used correctly. Facial oils ar...
5 Self-Care Sunday Ideas to Get You Ready for a New Week
Have you ever thought to yourself, "Sunday should come with a pause button?" I mean, sometimes I just dread the feeling of a Sunday coming to an end. You know that feeling you get on a Sunday night... thinking about the week ahead full of alarm clocks, to-do lists, deadlines, zoom meetings, bills, masks, and whatever else life decides to throw at you? To combat the Sunday Evening Blues, I've gotten in the routine of taking some time for myself on Sundays, to embrace those last moments of relaxation and get my mind and body ready for a new week.